Afro Futurism and Diversity In Science Fiction
This is an interesting topic because it is a mixture of a focus on specific sci-fi stories that reflect upon and have focus on the improvements of social and racial equality in our world as the genre developed, how ever id like to make the argument that the Science- Fiction genre as a whole developed with the these changes and arguably helped in reality to improve the state of racial relations in the world. Star Trek was the First tv show to air an interracial kiss on television. As well since then has made head way having a diverse cast of ethnicity's in the crew and having the captains and main protagonists of two shows, voyager and deep space nine, be a black man and a woman. and never shying away from using at a platform to talk about social injustices and current racial tensions and issues. For example in Deep Space Nine towards the end of the show there is an episode where the cast wants to pull off a casino heist in the simulation entertainment system called a holo deck and they are doing this to save their AI friend who's fate is directly connected to the ongoing story of the holo deck. However Captain Cisco, the protagonist of the show initially refuses to join because of the reality that a Casino in the 1930's would never have served, catered to, or even allowed in a black man as a customer. Cisco who is a black man, is almost disgusted by the idealized fantasy of humanities past with the cleaning of its uncomfortable racial issues. He does eventually join them but the point the show was making about cleaning up and idealizing humanities racist past was pretty damn clear. All this combined I think Science Fiction will always adjust and adapt to a newer and more diverse audience because to tell an accurate depiction of our future we need to be honest and involved with the people who are currently shaping it. hmm kinda lost my train of thought on this one... oh well so it goes.
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